What we Offer
If you are not sure about the best time for your child to start kindergarten or feel your child may benefit from starting kindergarten later, talk to us about your options.
Aboriginal children and children who are or have been in care are eligible for 15 hours of kindergarten a week after they turn 3, continuing until they start school.
If you have a child with disability or additional needs, they might be able to start kindergarten earlier if there are places available. Talk to us if this applies to you. Being given early entry to kindergarten does not guarantee early entry to school.
You can register your interest to enrol your child with us by using the preschool registration of interest form. Printed copies are also available from us.
Try to register your interest by 30 June of the year prior to attendance, but you can do this any time during the year.
Priority will be given to children living in our catchment area. If you don’t live in our catchment area you should indicate at least 2 other kindergarten options on your form.
If we can give your child a place with us we’ll email you an offer letter in Term 3 for January start or Term 1 for July start dates. You must accept the offer by return email. Your child’s enrolment will be secured once all enrolment documentation and evidence is supplied.
Session Times
Children will attend Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8.30am until 3.30pm. In addition to this, we will offer two special events of 5 hours each per term to ensure children receive their full entitlement of 15 hours per week on average. These events will include things such as a nature play day or excursion and will occur on a Thursday. Families will be notified of the dates for these events in advance.
Immunisation Requirements
We ask you to contribute towards the cost of your child attending kindergarten.
The parent contribution is $960 per year. You can choose to pay the total amount at the beginning of the year or pay instalments of $240 each term.
We will invoice you each term via email and payments are due in week 2 each term.
If you need a payment plan, please speak to our Director or Finance Officer to make arrangements.
From time to time we offer other programs that may have additional costs.
How to Pay
You can pay invoices by direct deposit.
BSB: 065115
Account number: 10479407
Please put your child’s full name and family reference number so that we can correctly attribute your payment.
You can also pay by credit card using the QKR! by MasterCard app.
Download the app from your app store and search for Newland Park Kindergarten.
You will be prompted to create an account (your details) and then add a child (your child’s details). This helps us to identify your payments and correctly attribute your fees to your account.
We run playgroup at the kindergarten on Thursday mornings from 9am during term time.
Children aged 0-5 are welcome. Please dress for messy play and bring a change of clothes. Please also bring a snack (no nuts) and a water bottle for your child.
There is no cost involved and no need to RSVP, just come along ready to have fun!
Governing Council
The Governing Council is a parent body, which is elected to assist with the general administration and management of the kindergarten. The council works collaboratively with the Preschool Director to discuss and manage the Preschool, funds, maintenance, fundraising, community involvement, any issues and so on. We encourage your participation at this level, as the quality of our service relies on the effort and support of the families within the preschool. The Governing Council meets 8 times a year at a time that suits the majority of its members, and is an enjoyable way to get to know other families in the community. For more information please visit the Department for Education website. We would love to have you on the Governing Council, please chat with our Director to find out how to get involved or about other volunteer roles.
Royal Commission
On Sunday 27 August 2023, the Commissioner the Hon Julia Gillard AC, handed down the final report outlining the findings and recommendations of the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care. To read the full report visit: www.royalcommissionecec.sa.gov.au/
Early childhood education and care is important for all children. The Royal Commission’s final report has made recommendations about work that can be done to help provide the best start for all children in the early years from birth to age 5.
Three-year-old preschool will be implemented starting from 2026.
The state government has begun work on the areas of reform needed to implement the Royal Commission’s recommendations.
We will provide you with updates as we know more.
Any enquiries should be directed to the Department for Education via education.oeyroyalcommission@sa.gov.au